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group of youth circled up
Youth lean out

The next CASS is full! Join the interest list to find out about the next one!

Youth activity

where students and
educators are in it together

Education is a shared experience. It is also a shared responsibility. 

The California Schools Summit (CSS) is where EVERYONE feels heard and valued, where shared experience meets in the middle. Where educators embrace their role as leaders while students embrace their value as learners. Where respect is earned and mutually offered, not because we HAVE to but because we WANT to. 

No matter your role in education, adult or student, you are a catalyst for the well-being of all, starting with yourself and extending far beyond. Join us at the CSS and experience firsthand how powerful you are in your school communities. 


Made possible in partnership with  

CalHOPE Schools
Youth smiling


When we experientially discover the personal value of a particular SEL skill, we
have a much stronger incentive to put

it into practice outside of
the experience. 

Kid swinging


When we engage in purposeful activities, reflection, and shared experiences, we witness, first hand, the impact being made and can choose if it is an impact we feel proud to be a part of.

Group of people walking


When we identify with the power we truly have to influence results and the impact of these results on ourselves, others, and the environment, we are better able to direct our choices in directions that uplift.

group of youth holding signs


When we understand our impact, embrace our uniquely individual gifts, while also learning from our areas for growth, we can purposely design and live a commitment to positive impact.

Education is a partnership between students and teachers.


But too often, teachers and students don't see eye-to-eye.

The current education paradigm is not effective for far too many students AND educators. Many students don’t feel related to, heard, understood, and believed in, while many educators feel ineffective, disrespected, de-valued, and misunderstood. The results are disconnection and exhaustion, distrust and disengagement, which impacts our social-emotional-mental wellness, both individual and collective. 

Whether you are a student or an educator, the CSS will leave you:

  • Uplifted - ignite joy and purpose

  • Balanced - Value each life equally

  • Restored - leave rejuvenated

  • Reassured - re-engage with your personal ‘why!’

  • Reenergized - return to school infused with enthusiasm and hope 

Adult at ropes course

What Adults Will Experience

An opportunity for participants to develop and sharpen their relational skills and build positive and purposeful relationships with the youth in their lives. We will explore the 18/82℠ Rule and be intentional about the impact we want to have while becoming aware of the impact we actually have. 


Our motivation is that youth today struggle in ways we may not always understand. While wired the same as we were as youth, the life experience they are living is very different. Young lives have been impacted by the pandemic and social-technology in ways we are just starting to understand. This is not a one and done moment, there are long term consequences.  We have the opportunity to address increasing mental health crises and to create experiences utilizing the power of connection to heal, empower, and uplift school communities. 


The pandemic, along with significant societal and family shifts, have left many youth feeling more alone, anxious, and apathetic than ever before. Mental health diagnoses’ for youth 10-25 are skyrocketing while the ability to self regulate, move forward with confident purpose, and navigate challenges is declining at alarming rates.


Together we can make a difference!

What Adults Will Experience

Adults will leave with: 

  • Confidence and skills to master communication and connection with the youth they work with

  • The ability to create deeper connections with the youth they work with and how to maintain authority while deepening relationships and respect.

  •  An understanding of the power of inclusion, self-efficacy, accountability, safety, and attachment to community and how to develop these skills with their youth

  • Tools to bridge the communication gap between generations 

  • An understanding of leadership versus Influence and how it relates to youth.

  • Why the 18/82℠ Rule matters: The What, the Why, and the Urgency

group of adults looking up

Your Role Is Key to Their Ability to Navigate Their Lives and Support Their Communities


Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Para-Pros

  • Create atmospheres where healing and learning happen naturally

  • Increase productive instruction time

  • Reduce your blood pressure with efficient, easy classroom management 

  • Improve playground behaviors, reduce how often students need you to intervene

  • Increase student accountability - ‘I earned,’ ‘I created,’ vs ‘you gave me,’ ‘because of her…’

  • Raise efficacy, esteem, and potential with every student

  • Leave work each day feeling positive about your impact: social, emotional & academic

  • Make peace with ‘what is’ vs ‘what should be’

  • Remember why you are an educator - 


Parents, Guardians

Volunteers Serving Leadership Roles in the School Community

  • Create atmospheres where healing and learning happen naturally

  • Embrace your role, purpose, and power

  • Bring ease to chaotic moments & situations

  • Increase independent action & positive decision making

  • Natural consequences vs. punishment

  • Reduce how often you have to ‘solve’ issues for them

  • Bring respect and balance to your family

  • Improve family communication

  • Bring balance to Technology’s allure

  • Enjoy your kids and the time you share 

  • Embrace YOU! Find the balance in parenting and personal care

  • Bring confidence and efficacy to your parenting role




Coaches, Club Leaders, Youth Advocators, Law Enforcement

  • Create atmospheres where healing and learning happen naturally

  • Improve relationships, & add joy when working with youth

  • Build trust & respect while empowering independent problem-solving & self-regulation

  • Reduce conflict, raise efficacy: Empower youth to own what they create

  • Maintain your authority while building bridges through empathy & compassion 

  • Interact confidently and with purpose; you are preparing them for their adult years

  • Elevate your youth’s potential: They are the answer, not you

  • Reduce entitlement, increase self-efficacy



Group of people raising hands
group of youth lean out

What Students Will Experience

This experiential youth leadership intensive is an opportunity for students to develop their power of influence and natural leadership skills. Designed for teens in grades 8-10, participants will complete the program ready to cultivate positive change for themselves and their school communities. Together students participate in activities that support a deep understanding of their impact on the world around them ~ and how the world impacts them. Through this experience students create a shift in their ability to relate to and influence those around them, building competence, confidence, and motivation to discover and live their purpose. Equipped with essential life skills, they will have gained tools to create the futures they desire.

youth dancing
What Students Will Experience

AIT Level 1 Leadership Certification 


Participants will demonstrate understanding and application of the following key traits:

  • Advanced communication skills in listening, speaking, and connecting even when disagreeing

  • An understanding and embrace of accountability in all areas of life

  • Advanced comprehension and use of the Notice Choose Act® framework 

  • Highly developed awareness, acceptance, and use of personal power to lead one’s own life and influence others in positive ways.

  • Exploration of personal gifts and areas for growth; identify, embrace, apply

Advanced ability to:

  • Recognize personal emotional state and be proactive in seeking support when needed

  • Understand and live with integrity, accountability, and responsibility 

  • Work cooperatively on teams and in groups by looking at our gifts and our areas for growth

  • Motivate and inspire others to take action

  • Mentor through collaboration, modeling, and kindness

  • Recognize and engage in the gifts adults have to offer - see value in inclusive communication


The Momentum

All participants in the CSS will have the opportunity to reconnect monthly in the California Schools Online Meeting. Everyone needs a boost, a reconnect, a reminder, once in a while. The CSS Virtual Experience will be an opportunity to come back together and celebrate wins, honor setbacks, and find creative ways to move forward positively. As in the CSS, youth and adults will have shared experience with their peers followed by an opportunity to join together - to share and learn from one another.

More on this will be shared during the program. 



7th - 9th Grade

Students in grades 7-9: We would like you to invite youth who have powerful influence in their school communities. These students may not be influencing positively, however they have the ‘it’ factor that others gravitate to. Think of bringing the top influencers from a variety of ‘lunch tables.’ These students may not yet see their leadership strengths, but you identify them. Please do not invite all students from a leadership program or all students who ‘need’ extra support. A combination of personalities is critical to their success and their collective influence once back at school. 


Who Serve Youth in the Public Education System

Adults serving youth in the public school system: teachers, counselors, coaches, bus drivers, SEL leads, paras, etc. Parents who are site leaders are welcome if their own child is not attending the program. These adults are ready to jump in, to listen and learn, and to experience youth in a new way while being catalysts for youth to view adults differently too. 

Teams of up to 8 from a particular school, district, or county. Of the 8, think 2-3 adults with 5-6 students. Connect with us if you’d like to consider bringing a larger group. 



Brandeis-Bardin Campus

1101 Peppertree Lane, Simi Valley, CA 93064 

Located in Simi Valley, California and committed to the artistic, cultural, intellectual and environmental pursuits, the campus strives to ‘touch and teach’ every individual who comes down Peppertree Lane.



Program Begins:      5:00 p.m. Fri January 12, 2024

Program Ends:         1:00 p.m. Mon Jan 15


All that is included in this NO COST program:

  • Housing for three nights, supervised at all times

  • All Meals and Snacks (Friday dinner - Monday Brunch)

  • All Programming

    • Adults and Youth will work separately in their peer groups, and together in shared experiences

    • Programming is presented in a combination of learning modalities - all based in experiential methodology. 

      • Hear something = forgettable =  little chance of real life transference

      • Hear and Do something = likely to forget = some chance of real life transference

      • Hear, Do, and FEEL something = impossible to forget =  best chance of real life transference

    • High ropes challenge

    • Indoor and outdoor time - changing the scene changes the outcome!

    • Goal: together we encourage both ourselves and one another to go 2-steps, 2-minutes, 2-people, 2-breaths, 2-thoughts, further than we believe we can. 

  • Leadership Package 

    • T-shirt          

    • Reusable Water Bottle 

    • Training Handbook or Journal

    • Bandanas, PostersBracelets              

What is NOT included:


  • Bedding - participants will need to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, etc. 

  • Bath - participants will need to bring towels and toiletries

  • Transportation is the responsibility of the schools and participants.


All It Takes Trainers and Facilitators

  • All AIT staff are DOJ/FBI Livescan cleared

  • Expert Youth trainers

    • With over 70 years of collective program experience, the AIT and Bradneis-Bardin staff will deliver a safe, exciting, balanced experiential learning experience for all participants

    • Expertise includes supporting the myriad of youth who attend and all they bring with them - whether enthusiastic or anxious, shy or outgoing, homesick or happy to be away from home, all participants are embraced with compassion and an unflappable belief in their personal greatness. 

  • Expert Adult trainers

    • Educator trainers with a combined 40+ years experience in the education eco-system focusing on SEL as a way of being vs a topic/worksheet to check off 

    • Trainers have experience with both youth and adults who serve them

All It Takes CEO

Lori Woodley-Langendorff, MS, PPS​

Lori was a school counselor for 25 years, specializing in training educators and parents in relational skill building to successfully reach their young influences. Currently, she develops SEL curriculum and globally trains educators, parents, and students.​​

Lori Woodley

The Fine Print
where the magic lies


  • Students will not have their cell phones or other electronic devices during the program. A contact number will be provided for emergencies and parents/schools will always have access to program and camp staff

  • Adults will be asked NOT to have phones out during programming hours


  • A photographer and videographer will be capturing this unparalleled experience

  • All participants will have access to the still pictures post program

  • All participants will be required to to sign a photo/video release


  • Releases and agreements will need to be signed by all participants and parent/guardians for minors. 

  • Paperwork will be sent upon registration acceptance

  • If a group is attending one person will be point of contact between AIT and group and will handle paperwork details for their group

​This training program is valued at $995 per participant and is brought to 100 participants (both Educators and Students) at no cost thanks to the CalHOPE Schools initiative.

CalHOPE Schools
Join Interest List Today!


We'll let you know as soon as we have another summit!

Thanks for joining the interest list! We'll keep you updated on future camp and training opportunities!



“There are very few places in the world where you can be completely vulnerable and not feel judged, and they made sure we knew that All It Takes was a safe space. Everyone knew it was time to be serious."

"As the (program) concluded, I felt so connected with the other (participants), those 2 days of memories seemed like weeks to me. I am truly grateful for that opportunity which took me above my comfort zone and elevated my current being."

"This really helped me become more responsible and hardworking, many of my family members and friends have pointed this out. Ever since camp, my parents have trusted me to take on more responsibility than I’ve ever had."

"I learned how to be a better leader. To be a good leader you not only have to be able to be a team captain, but a team player. You have to be able to respect boundaries and listen to everyone."

“Everyone [participants] wanted to share what we learned with other people. By everyone stepping up and doing that, it showed others that they could also step up”

"I started being able to just talk, it was a lot easier to just talk to my teachers, it was a lot easier to make friends."

"No matter what issue or problem I’m facing, there are others out there going through a similar thing who are willing to help me."

"It showed me what’s important and it showed me how everyone is going through things, and to be respectful of people. It also showed me…that everyone has a reason for doing things which has allowed me to be more understanding of situations. It’s kind of like a domino effect, one thing leads to another, and that leads to another thing."


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