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Our multi-day immersive leadership program brings together students from diverse backgrounds to foster connection, self-awareness, and mutual respect. Through hands-on activities, students identify their strengths and challenges, build empathy, and gain insight into the power of their actions in shaping their communities.

Students begin the program as strangers and leave as lifelong friends, equipped with the skills to lead with responsibility and compassion. They return to campus ready to drive cultural change, promote school safety, and create an environment where every student can thrive academically and socially.


What Participants Gain:


  • Improved communication & teamwork skills

  • Practical experience setting and working towards goals using the Notice Choose Act® framework

  • A signature leadership package with tools to inspire action

  • Fun, experiential programming led by our professional team


Let us help your students become the leaders your school needs.

Interested in a SEL camp for your school?

Give us your information and we will get back to you asap to find the right program for you.

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9 out of 10 students found their camp valuable or extremely valuable.

The majority of participants reported significant growth in their confidence, courage, and teamwork skills after their All It Takes Field Trip.


How valuable was this trip for you?​​

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48.9% - Extremely Valuable


40.3% - Valuable


7.9% - Very Little Value

2.9% -  Nuetral / Undecided


0% - No Value


"I gained confidence" - 76%

"I work better in team experiences" - 68%

"I believe in myself more" - 63%

"I gained courage" - 61%

"I work harder and don't give up" - 56%

"I notice more things about others and my environment" - 56%


139 Completed Surveys  |  186 Total Participants​​​​​  |  75% Response Rate

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"I learned that I can use the courage I didn't know I had."

- Middle School Student


Measured outcomes of
All It Takes Youth Trainings:

  • Participants will leave with greater confidence, self-efficacy and independent decision-making skills.

  • Participants will leave with the tools and commitment to engage in positive action to reduce unkind and hurtful behaviors.

  • ​Participants will leave camp with a high level of empathy and care for self, each other and their environment.​

  • School campuses and communities will experience a significant reduction in unkind behaviors from participants and their influences.



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