A Message From AIT's Founder and CVO, Lori Woodley-Langendorff, on last week's Parent Leadership Day.
“My husband signed me up, I didn’t want to come and fought it the entire way. Now, I can honestly say this is better than a day at Disney!” - Parent Participant
Mid way through our 3rd Parent Leadership Day brought by the inclusively minded and forward thinking Westside Union School District, (WUSD), a mom participant approached me and shared those powerful words. We both were a bit teary. At this point in her day she had only done ½ of the program, by the end she was truly giddy with celebration of all she, and the others, had accomplished in this experiential field trip for parents - they even arrived by school bus! 😀
I have been working with students, educators and parents for 3-decades and to say I am humbled and educated with every program is not an exaggeration, especially with parents. In education we all talk about the 3-legged stool and the need for each leg to work together to best support the students we serve. In these same 3-decades I have rarely seen what we know we need to do become meaningful reality.
What makes this field trip different from so many others is the experiential nature of it. We bring students and ask them to go 2-steps further than they believe or want to go. We ask the parents to do the same and they push themselves to do more and go further than they imagine possible. We ask them to climb high and dig deep - just like we ask their children to do. When humans are willing to step beyond comfort and allow support, magic happens, every time.
Over the last two months All It Takes worked with ~900 6th graders from WUSD, providing an experiential field trip that was an investment of time, talent, and treasure by the district. Last week their parents were invited to the same field trip. A day spent in nature while learning skills that would elevate their relationships with their own families and the schools they attend. I was moved beyond words as I listened to parents talk about finding child like joy once again, share that they were surprised that strangers could be helpful to one another and that they found an inner strength they didn’t know they had. One participant shared with the group:
“This morning we are strangers, now I would go camping with any of you, anytime.” - Parent Participant
This was a 6 hour program and a lifetime of positive change. The bridge built between parents and school sites will have a lasting impact as one parent noted:
“I am so thankful that this resource is offered to us & our students. Little by little this could have a huge impact on our community. Simple information but powerful.” - Parent Participant
We know that relationships are key to bridging the gap between school and home and yet we have not moved the needle enough. One parent described the experience so powerfully:
“Overall so amazing. I’m a skeptic. I’ve suffered through HOURS of pointless PDs ( as an educator) and loathe them. They are reductive, irritating and down right insulting. Death by power point is the worst!! The facilitators expertly got us into groups, conducted “ice breakers” without being cheesy and navigated insightful conversations about that honored and respected us as adults. This program is great for meaningful corporate team building. I made new connections and built stronger relationships with people I knew. I personally overcame the doubt I could physically complete the ropes course. It was scary, physically challenging and mentally exhausting- no one can take away the exhilaration of earning the zip line down!! In 22 years of either being an educator or a parent- this was the best experience I’ve ever had. Even in my current profession in the business world- no conference can beat what I have experienced at this Leadership field trip.” - Parent Participant
I am forever grateful for WUSD’s commitment to their students and families, the future looks more hopeful when results like this are experienced. Let us know when we can come serve your community!
-Lori Woodley-Langendorff
The Power of AIT Parent Leadership Programs
by Lori Woodley-Langendorff