Carla Truttman
Director of School-Based Mental Health and Wellness at the Siskiyou County Office of Ed
Edgar S. Zazueta
ED.D, the Executive Director of the Association of California School Administrators
Dr. Loretta Whitson
Executive Director for the California Association of School Counselors (CASC)
Lori Woodley, CEO of All It Takes, will be joined by Edgar S. Zazueta, ED.D, the Executive Director of the Association of California School Administrators, Carla Truttman, Director of School-Based Mental Health and Wellness at the Siskiyou County Office of Education, and Dr. Loretta Whitson, Executive Director for the California Association of School Counselors (CASC), the largest nonprofit state association representing school counselors in the nation. The discussion will center around The Intersection of SEL and Education.