Build a stronger, more engaged, and inclusive, school community with an All It Takes On-Site SEL Field Day. This experiential program focuses on developing independent thinking, and productive problem-solving, while building resilience, agency, and a deeper understanding of self and others.
Our expert facilitators guide students and staff through SEL development, fostering meaningful social connections, a strong sense of purpose, and a deeper attachment to school and community. Participants will gain skills to intentionally manage their influence, reactions, and impact, benefiting themselves and those around them. Together, students and educators will build a unified community, recognizing their essential roles in creating collective success.

Over 88% of students found the All It Takes Field Day Valuable or Extremely Valuable.
100% of student participants said it would make a positive impact at their school.

51.7% - Extremely Valuable
37.1% - Valuable
4.5% - Nuetral / Undecided
3.4% - Little Value
3.4% - No Value

26.7% - A Huge Impact
33.3% - A Good Impact
40% - A Little Impact
0% - No Impact
0% - Nuetral / Undecided
89 Completed Surveys | 101 Total Participants | 88% Response Rate
Interested in a field day for your school?
Give us your information and we will get back to you asap to find the right program for you.

Measured outcomes of
All It Takes Youth Trainings:
Participants will leave with greater confidence, self-efficacy and independent decision-making skills.
Participants will leave with the tools and commitment to engage in positive action to reduce unkind and hurtful behaviors.
Participants will leave camp with a high level of empathy and care for self, each other and their environment.
School campuses and communities will experience a significant reduction in unkind behaviors from participants and their influences.